If you have any other ideas or wishes we can talk about it if I am capable to offer it or lovely people in my network can furfill your wishes.
group workshops & events
Workshop I've already hosted:
-consent & boundaries
-make a wish
-Sound experiments with Unisonos
-pelvic floor exploration
-Safety in the body
-mouth exploration
-Empowermentworkshops for QTIBIPoC
I am part of the Skinship Berlin bodywork collective and often host workshops also in duos. So far I've often been working together with Ayo Gry (check out their work too!)
I would love to offer these workshops:
-mirror work (naked in front of mirror, mirrorwork with genitals - touch possible)
-cuddle workshop
-touch based work with genitals
-workshop anal meditation
-exploring with food&senses. Licking, smelling, touching
-moving through anger, Yang use & release from anchestral burden
-move like the elements workshop
-1 Generation Children BIPoC’s in white society shared experiences community circle
-Into the nature pleasure through nature
-Ritual Genital/Anal meditation
-Massage circles & Rituals, increasing Yin, harvesting turn inside
-Pussy steaming ritual
-make your own medicine
-colour your bodyhair
-nudity workshop undressing of layers of shame

parts of
Skinship Berlin collective
(Ayo, pûrr, Pawel)

Unisonos x HotmailHotnail
Sound workshop with Debster,
Chanel, Layo

Workshop Make A Wish
with Ayo Gry @Berlin Bluestar